I'm doing a website (an auction website) using java. I have one page to show the product in auction and I want to show 10 similar products.
To perform the search I'm using elasticsearch (by using the elasticsearch java implementation dadoonet).
One requirement I have is to show only the 10 similar documents that has date > now.
I say the elasticsearch documentation and I found the query "More like this" but first I'm not getting this to work using:
new MoreLikeThisRequest("auction").searchSize(size).id(productId + "").fields(new String[] { "name", "description", "brand" }).type("string");
Because is always showing the error:
org.elasticsearch.index.engine.DocumentMissingException: [_na][_na] [string][2]: document missing
And I'm not find the way to filter the date.
Someone can point me on the right way to do this?
My best bet would be that you have the wrong id and I also see that you are missing the type. To use more like this, you have to provide the document to use. This is defined by the combination of index,type and id. If you do not specify the document right, elasticsearch cannot find the document and that is most probably why you get the document missing message.
In java I would do something like this:
FilteredQueryBuilder queryBuilder =
new FilteredQueryBuilder(
SearchSourceBuilder query = SearchSourceBuilder.searchSource().query(queryBuilder);