For a coding project I'm doing, I was given a Quaternion class to use to make the rotation of my camera easier and to solve Gimbal lock.
I'm not that well versed in using Quaternions so I was wondering how I would implement it into my camera class.
Currently to rotate the camera I'm using the built-in glRotatef function.
Camera functions
void Camera::Pitch(float aAngle)
m_fPitchAngle += aAngle;
void Camera::Roll(float aAngle)
//aAngle = 5.0f;
m_fRollAngle += aAngle;
void Camera::Yaw(float aAngle)
m_fYawAngle += aAngle;
void Camera::MoveForward(float aDistance)
m_vPosition.z += aDistance;
void Camera::Strafe(float aDistance)
m_vPosition.x += aDistance;
These variables are being used inside the camera's render function.
Inside Camera's Render function
// Yaw
glRotatef(m_fYawAngle, m_vUp.x, m_vUp.y, m_vUp.z);
// Pitch
glRotatef(m_fPitchAngle, m_vRight.z, m_vRight.y, m_vRight.z);
glRotatef(m_fRollAngle, m_vFacing.x, m_vFacing.y, m_vFacing.z);
//angleBetween = cosf(m_fYawAngle) + m_vPosition.z;
// Move Forward
glTranslatef(m_vPosition.x, m_vPosition.y, m_vPosition.z);
Which are being utilised in the camera's update function, inside a switch statement.
Camera Update function
case SDLK_a:
case SDLK_d:
And so on for the other variables. Here's the basic Quaternion header file I was given.
struct Quaternion
float w;
Vector3D vec;
vec.x = 0.0f;
vec.y = 0.0f;
vec.z = 0.0f;
Quaternion(float startW, Vector3D startVec)
vec.x = startVec.x;
vec.y = startVec.y;
vec.z = startVec.z;
class QuaternionMath
static QuaternionMath* Instance();
void QuaternionToMatrix(Quaternion* q, float m[4][4]);
void MatrixToQuaternion(float m[4][4], Quaternion* q);
void EulerToQuaternion(float roll, float pitch, float yaw, Quaternion* q);
void Multiply(Quaternion* q1, Quaternion* q2, Quaternion* resultingQuaternion);
void RotateVector(Quaternion* q, Vector3D* v, Vector3D* resultingVector);
static QuaternionMath* mInstance;
Instead of using a chain of glRotate
calls, retrieve a 4×4 matrix from the quaternion instance using MatrixToQuaternion
and multiply that onto the matrix on top of the stack with glMultMatrix
In a further step you should get rid of using any code using the OpenGL fixed function matrix stack and use something like GLM or similar.