Recording a video with webRTC I have no data, and after debugging I just realized that there's no content in the Blob variable (that must store the video).
According to the code I pasted on my jsfiddle, line 136 should contain something like:
Blob {type: "audio/wav", size: 360492, slice: function}size: 360492type: "audio/wav"
But its value is undefined
Could anybody tell me what am I doing wrongly?
You have to call stopRecording and get the blob within the callback. The callback will also be passed a data URL.
if (!isFirefox) {
var bloba = recordAudio.getBlob();
console.log("Audio Blob",bloba);
fileType = 'audio';
fileName = 'test.wav';
} else {
var bloba = recordAudio.getBlob();
console.log("Audio Blob",bloba);
fileType = 'video';
fileName = 'test.webm';
if (!isFirefox) {
var blobv = recordVideo.getBlob();
console.log("Video Blob",blobv);
fileType = 'video';
fileName = 'test.webm';