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Facebook Graph API taggable_friends giving invalid scope ERROR

I'm building a simple webapp that collects the users friends and photos. Using omniauth-facebook to connect with the Graph API.

However, when I give taggable_friends as one of the auth scopes, I get the following error that is displayed in the Facebook login dialogbox.

Invalid Scope: taggable_friends

This is my omniauth.rb:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
  provider :facebook, ENV['facebook_app_id'], ENV['facebook_app_secret'], :scope =>'public_profile,user_photos,taggable_friends,user_friends', :display => 'popup'

I'm able to successfully authenticate the user with user_photos scope which also requires review from Facebook. Where am I going wrong?


  • The permission required for the <user_id>/taggable_friends enpdpoint is user_friends. There is no taggable_friends permission, only the endpoint.

    You can read more on it here: