I'm using JNA to access some dll function from Java, this dll Native Function is declared as the following:
// it returns (long)
H264_Login (char *sIP, unsigned short wPort, char *sUserName, char *sPassword, LP_DEVICEINFO lpDeviceInfo, int *error); // where LP_DEVICEINFO is a struct
and so, I declared it inside library interface as the following:
long H264_Login(String sIP, short wPort, String sUserName, String sPassword,
Structure DeviceDate, int error);
and then I call it the following way:
simpleDLL INSTANCE = (simpleDLL) Native.loadLibrary(
("NetSdk"), simpleDLL.class);
DeviceDate dev = new DeviceDate() // where DeviceDate is a static class inherits com.sun.jna.Structure
int err = (int) INSTANCE.H264_GetLastError();
long result = INSTANCE.H264_DVR_Login("", (short) 33333, "admin", "admin", dev, err);
but I'm getting the following Exception:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Invalid memory access
at com.sun.jna.Native.invokeLong(Native Method)
at com.sun.jna.Function.invoke(Function.java:386)
at com.sun.jna.Function.invoke(Function.java:315)
at com.sun.jna.Library$Handler.invoke(Library.java:212)
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy0.H264_DVR_Login(Unknown Source)
at Test.main(Test.java:47)
It's strange since there is no long variables inside the method parameters, only the returning type is long which I think it has nothing to do with that Exception. Also I tried some of other methods
which return long
and it works perfectly.
Your return type needs to be NativeLong
Your final argument needs to be either IntByReference
or int[1]
Unless DeviceDate
is compatible with LP_DEVICEINFO
, you need to make sure those structure types match.
What are the native definitions of DeviceDate
is just a generic pointer where you can substitute a device-specific structure, then this should be fine, for example:
typedef void *LP_DEVICEINFO;
typedef struct _DeviceData { /* anything you want in here */ } DeviceData, *pDeviceData;
But if it's got any specific definition, the contents of that structure must be compatible with DeviceDate
, for example:
typedef struct _LP_DEVICEINFO {
int type;
// Fill in with device-specific information
typedef struct _DeviceDate {
int type; // Example "common" field
int timestamp; // device-specific information
} DeviceDate;