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How to reuse facts by means of modules in Alloy

I have the following specification in Alloy:

sig A {}
sig Q{isA: one A}

fact {
    all c1,c2:Q | c1.isA=c2.isA  => c1=c2   // injective mapping
    all a1:A | some c1:Q | c1.isA=a1   //surjective 

In my models the above fact repeats similarly between different signature. I tried to factor out it as a separate module so I created a module as below:

module library/copy [A,Q]

fact {
    all c1,c2:Q | c1.isA=c2.isA  => c1=c2   // injective mapping
    all a1:A | some c1:Q | c1.isA=a1   //surjective 

Then I tries to use it as bellow:

module family

open library/copy [Person,QP] 
sig Person {} 
sig QP{isA:Person}
run {} for 4

but Alloy complains that "The name "isA" cannot be found." in the module.

What is wrong with my approach? and Why alloy complains?


  • In my previous answer I tried to address your "similarly between different signature" point, that is, I thought your main goal was to have a module that somehow enforces that there is a field named isA in the sig associated with parameter Q, and that isA is both injective and surjective. I realize now that what you probably want is reusable predicates that assert that a given binary relation is injective/sujective; this you can achieve in Alloy:


    module copy [Domain, Range]
    pred inj[rel: Domain -> Range] {
      all c1,c2: Domain | c1.rel=c2.rel => c1=c2   // injective mapping
    pred surj[rel: Domain -> Range] {
      all a1: Range | some c1: Domain | c1.rel=a1   //surjective 


    open copy[QP, Person] 
    sig Person {} 
    sig QP{isA:Person}
    fact {
    run {} for 4

    In fact, you can open the built-in util/relation module and use the injective and sujective predicates to achieve the same thing, e.g.:


    open util/relation
    sig Person {} 
    sig QP{isA:Person}
    fact {
      injective[isA, Person]
      surjective[isA, Person]
    run {} for 4

    You can open the util/relation file (File -> Open Sample Models) and see a different way to implement these two predicates. You can then even check that your way of asserting injective/surjective is equivalent to the built-in way:

    open copy[QP, Person]
    open util/relation
    sig Person {} 
    sig QP{isA:Person}
    check {
      inj[isA] <=> injective[isA, Person]
      surj[isA] <=> surjective[isA, Person]
    } for 4 expect 0 // no counterexample is expected to be found