I want to be able to append divs to my page such that they are appended after a div of a certain class and before teh divs that follow it i.e:
<div class="header">Header DIV</div>
<!-- Want to add using javascript some HTML right here-->
<div class="one-basic-div">...</div>
<div class="one-basic-div">...</div>
<div class="one-basic-div">...</div>
<div class="one-basic-div">...</div>
It is basically raw html I wish to add. How can I do it?
Use the Element.insert
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
$$(".header").first().insert({ after: "<p>Some html</p>" });
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/prototype/1/prototype.js"></script>
<div class="header">Header div</div>
<div class="one-basic-div">Other div</div>