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How to build correct SPARQL Query

I need to get all players who have ever played for football team using SPARQL query and

I can get current team members using and this query:

PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX p: <>  
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <>           
      <> p:name ?player.
      ?player dbpedia-owl:birthPlace ?city;
              dbpedia-owl:birthDate ?dob.

How to get all players who have ever played for this football team ?


  • I'd use a query like this:

    select distinct ?player ?birthPlace ?birthDate where {
      ?player dbpedia-owl:team <> ;
              a dbpedia-owl:Person ;
              dbpedia-owl:wikiPageID [] .
      optional { ?player dbpedia-owl:birthPlace ?birthPlace }
      optional { ?player dbpedia-owl:birthDate ?birthDate }

    SPARQL results

    Using optional ensures that players without listed birthplaces or birthdates can still be included in the results. Using a dbpedia-owl:Person helps remove some "dirty" data (i.e., things that have a dbpedia-owl:team property, but that aren't players). Similarly, adding dbpedia-owl:wikiPageID [] ensures that the results are things that exist as articles. If you don't include that, then you get results like Manchester_United_F.C.__Ryan_Giggs__1, which appears to be a sort of career station entity. (Note that Ryan Giggs has, e.g., dbpedia-owl:careerStation dbpedia:Ryan_Giggs__1.)