I am using indesign CC 2014
I have embedded "FTPConnection.jsx"
that "Peter Torpey" wrote. then I wrote these codes to upload files to my server. Everything works fine, however files do not open correctly. I tried to open them with Notepad++ and I saw that while uploading files, the jsx changes them.
var ftp=new FTPConnection(false);
var acik=ftp.open("","21","username","password");
this is sample of original image:
‰PNG IHDR q Ò üÇF pHYs =5 =5ùäğ] IDATxÚìİ1¶«<£&è3OÁ#¨µ< <ç7òH+tÚ!Sğ*prà´C¦@ÒA‡»Ïù›ó—?~ÀHHì§ÖzÖ{¿³÷! éEˆ_???¿ Ø6…
Ä @ˆ Ä @ˆ € @ˆ € ! € ! € !
B ! B „8 B „8 q „8 q „8 q â
q â Ä â Ä â Ä @ˆ
this is after upload:
IHDR q ı ııFı pHYs =5 =5ııı] IDATxııı1ıı<ı&ı3Oı#ıı<ı
<ı7ıH+tı!Sı*prııCı@ıAııııııı?~ıHHııızıı{ııı! ıEı_???ı ı6ı
ı @ı ı @ı ı @ı ı ! ı ! ı !
B ! B ı8 B ı8 q ı8 q ı8 q ı
q ı ı ı ı ı ı @ı
The first thing I'd recommend trying is to call
before the call to put().
FTP supports two modes of transfer: ASCII and binary. In ASCII mode, the default, only seven bits per character are transmitted. This is sufficient for standard ASCII-encoded text files. For files with multi-byte encodings and for binary files, the binary FTP mode is required.