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JPA 2.1 CriteriaQuery between Date

How can I use CriteriaQuery with BETWEEN clause in Date? I have tried this without success;

the DAO method:

public List<Registry> listRegistry(Date init){
    List<Registry> registrys = null;
        Date currentDate = new Date();
        CriteriaBuilder cb = getEm().getCriteriaBuilder();
        CriteriaQuery<Registry> c = cb.createQuery(Registry.class);
        Root<Registry> registry= c.from(Registry.class);

        // get error here; "The method get(String) in the type Path<Registry> is not applicable for the arguments (String, Date, Date)""dateEntry", init, currentDate)));

        registrys = getEm().createQuery(c).getResultList();

    catch (NoResultException x) {
        //does nothing
    return registrys;

and the Entity Class Registry:

public class Registry {

@Column(name = "id", unique = true, nullable = false, precision = 15, scale = 0)
private int id;

private Date dateEntry;

// getters and setters .....

With these error : "The method get(String) in the type Path is not applicable for the arguments (String, Date, Date)" ; How can I solve this?


  • Reviewing your code, it looks like a typo.

    You have

    // get error here; "The method get(String) in the type Path<Registry> is not applicable for the arguments (String, Date, Date)""dateEntry", init, currentDate)));

    Which is a compiler error, means that you're trying to call get(String)in the type Path<Registry> with the arguments (String, Date, Date)

    Look at the javadoc of CriteriaBuilder.between(Expression,Value,Value), this is the method you need to call with 3 arguments not Path.get(String).

    It should look something like this.

     Path<Date> dateEntryPath = registry.get("dateEntry");
     Predicate predicate = cb.between(dateEntryPath,init,currentDate);;