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ADMA0207E Error when deploying EAR on IBM WAS 7 but not on IBM WAS 6.1

I am getting the ADMA0207E error when deploying an Enterprise Archive (EAR) file to IBM Websphere Application Server (WAS) 7 but not when I deploy the same EAR to WAS 6.


servlet       I init SRVE0242I: [isclite] [/ibm/console] [/secure/javascriptToSession.jsp]: Initialization successful.
SystemErr     R ADMA0207E: EE 5 module foo-web.war in ear file contains unsupported xmi format bindings file.
SystemErr     R  at
SystemErr     R  at
SystemErr     R  at
SystemErr     R  at
SystemErr     R  at
SystemErr     R  at
SystemErr     R  at

I want to deploy this EAR on WAS 7. Any insight on getting past this error?


  • Your application version is not consistent with metadata files.
    ADMA0207E: EE 5 module foo-web.war in ear file contains unsupported xmi format bindings file.

    If you want to use Java EE 5, then you have to update ibm-web-bnd.xmi to ibm-web-bnd.xml (the best to do it with development tool RAD or WDT for Eclipse, DO NOT rename), or you have to have Java EE 1.4 descriptors (application.xml and web.xml).
    You can also remove the binding files, and recreate these bindings during application installation. It will create binding file in the new, correct format.

    Supported configurations: For IBM® extension and binding files, the .xmi or .xml file name extension is different depending on whether you are using a pre-Java EE 5 application or module or a Java EE 5 or later application or module. An IBM extension or binding file is named ibm-*-ext.xmi or ibm-*-bnd.xmi where * is the type of extension or binding file such as app, application, ejb-jar, or web. The following conditions apply:

    • For an application or module that uses a Java EE version prior to version 5, the file extension must be .xmi.
    • For an application or module that uses Java EE 5 or later, the file extension must be .xml. If .xmi files are included with the application or module, the product ignores the .xmi files.

    See also: