I am using OpenUI5 in my hybrid (Cordova WebView) approach. When downloading the latest OpenUI5 version I end up with a huge bunch of files and I have no clue which ones are really necessary for my purpose. It seems as if there are no precompiled files that contain everything needed for a mobile/hybrid/whatever approach.
How have you guys solved this?
Thanks and happy new year!!!
Have you noticed the "UI5 Runtime Mobile" package at http://openui5.org/download.html#versionList ? This is the one that is meant for such a hybrid app approach.
Such a bundle can never be 100% optimized - you might need or not need certain control libraries or themes, for example, so the following page has some more details about this package, including instructions to reduce its size: https://openui5.hana.ondemand.com/#docs/guide/293eb945f0e945aaa776812481b4c533.html