here goes the XUL part of one of the preference panes.
<prefpane id="alt-about" label="About" image="chrome://alt/skin/about.png">
<image id="alt-about-logo" />
<description id="addonName">Bla bla bla, bla bla</description>
<description id="version"/>
<description>Author: bla bla bla</description>
<description>ICQ: bla</description>
<separator class="groove" flex="1"/>
<description>News feed powered by Bla agency</description>
<description>Exchange Rates are powered
by Blaaaa Blaa of Blabla</description>
and for some reason the window is not being vertically resized to fit last description
I tried many attributes, many combinations of vbox/hbox.. same. How to solve it guys?
I'll answer to my own questions after finding it myself.
There should be no empty elements like this
<description id="version"/>
Always put something inside, so Firefox can calculate the size.
<description id="version">0.0.0</description>