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How to implement a subtotal of all orders?

The following, renders: Subtotal: P[object Object]

It seems that subtotal is returning the promise object instead of th sum of all orders. VARIATION 2 also returns a promise.

How should I go about calculating the subtotal of all products?

  // app/controllers/application.js
  import Ember from 'ember';

  export default Ember.ObjectController.extend({    
    subtotal: function() {
      // VARIATION 1:
      var productCollectionPromises = this.get('orders').getEach('product');
      var sum = 0;

      return Ember.RSVP.all(productCollectionPromises).then(function(productCollections){
          sum += product.get('amountInCents');

        return sum;

      // VARIATION 2:
      // return this.get('orders').mapBy('product').reduce(function(previousValue, product) {
      //   return previousValue + product.get('amountInCents');
      // }, 0) / 100;

  // app/templates/application.hbs
  <br /><strong>Subtotal:</strong> ${{subtotal}}


  • Ember.RSVP.all returns a promise, which is what you are returning, you can just make an observer and update subtotal on change:

    // app/controllers/application.js
      import Ember from 'ember';
      export default Ember.ObjectController.extend({
        subtotal: null,
        totalsChanged: function() {
          var productCollectionPromises = this.get('orders').getEach('product');
          var sum = 0;
          Ember.RSVP.all(productCollectionPromises).then(productCollections => {
              sum += product.get('amountInCents');
            this.set('subtotal', sum);