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unity facebook sdk get profile picture using www not working

i am trying to get facebook profile photo by using facebook sdk

when I used this code it was working fine but suddenly second day url was not downloading. url download completed is not printing, and it is showing no error.

private IEnumerator getProfilePicture()
    Debug.Log("Here  to get profile picture");

    WWW url = new WWW("https" + "://" + FB.UserId + "/picture?type=square"); 

    yield return url;

    Debug.Log("url download completed");
    Texture2D textFb2 = new Texture2D(url.texture.width, url.texture.height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);

    Sprite sprite = Sprite.Create(url.texture, new Rect(0, 0, url.texture.width, url.texture.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), 32);
    spriteToDisplay.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = sprite;


  • And finally after struggling for days i found the answer, and what i got is kind of strange..

    when i use the same code without changing any thing , no check nothing and run in to android device it worked fine ,

    it just had one pre-requirement that my phone should be connected to packet data and not to wi-fi...

    one thing should be noted that there is no restriction on wi-fi network and i can use facebook through wi-fi network... plus score , name and other things are working over wi-fi.....its only that if i want to profile picture to be downloaded i have to connect my phone through packet data