I have tried compiling the following code in FASM:
mov DWORD PTR [ebp - 4], 1234567
It gave me an "Invalid Expression" error. However the following code worked:
mov DWORD [ebp - 4], 1234567
So does FASM uses Intel Syntax (I am assuming that the first line of code is compliant with Intel Syntax)?
It gave me an "Invalid Expression" error.
Unlike MASM (and others), FASM doesn't need "ptr".
So does FASM uses Intel Syntax?
But there are some differences between different assemblers, for example:
Loading an address:
mov eax, offset memvar
mov eax, memvar
Loading a value:
mov eax, memvar
mov eax, [memvar]
I suggest you to read the FASM Programmer's Manual.