Search code examples

Finding words in tree by prefix

In my binary search tree I want to create a function that can get all words starting with a prefix and store all words in an array called results this is my tree

struct BinarySearchTree_t
    char *mot,*def;
    struct BinarySearchTree_t *left;
    struct BinarySearchTree_t *right;
typedef struct BinarySearchTree_t BinarySearchTree;

my function :

size_t findWordsByPrefix(BinarySearchTree* tree, char* prefix, char*** results)
    BinarySearchTree *tmp;

    static int size=0;

    if (!tmp)
        return 0;
    else if (strncmp(tmp->mot,prefix,strlen(prefix))==0)

        (*results)= realloc(*results,(1+size)*sizeof(*(*results)));
        (*(*results+size))= malloc(strlen(tmp->mot)*sizeof(char));
       return (1 + findWordsByPrefix(tmp->left,prefix, &results) + findWordsByPrefix(tmp->right,prefix, &results));
        return (strncmp(tmp->mot,prefix,strlen(prefix))<0)?findWordsByPrefix(tmp->right,prefix, &results):findWordsByPrefix(tmp->left,prefix, &results) ;

This function should return a number of words starting with the given prefix. my problem is that the program crash when it is run , and I don't how to resize my array results so every time I found a word I should increase the size of the results array .

and I would know how exacly manipulate the pointer of pointer of pointer given in arg of this function (char ***results) : what exactly means?


  • If I simply compile your code, I get severe compiler warnings including:

    1>binarysearchtree.c(98) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'char ***' differs in levels of indirection from 'char ****'
    1>binarysearchtree.c(98) : warning C4024: 'findWordsByPrefix' : different types for formal and actual parameter 3

    This alone will cause a crash -- you are calling your own function recursively with the wrong arguments.

    Next, I believe you need to allocate one more than the length of the string, to hold a copy of a string:

    malloc((strlen(tmp->mot) + 1 )*sizeof(char))

    Next, you're passing around an array of strings of variable size -- and storing the size in a static variable. It's impossible to know if this will work, so don't do it.

    Instead, if you want to use a dynamic array of strings, I suggest extracting out a struct to hold them, like so:

    struct ResultTable_t
        int    size;
        char **results;
    typedef struct ResultTable_t ResultTable;
    void InitializeResults(ResultTable *p_table)
        p_table->size = 0;
        p_table->results = NULL;
    void AddResult(ResultTable *p_table, char *result)
        if (result == NULL)
        p_table->results = realloc(p_table->results, p_table->size * sizeof(*p_table->results));
        p_table->results[p_table->size-1] = malloc((strlen(result) + 1) * sizeof(**p_table->results));
        strcpy(p_table->results[p_table->size-1], result);
    void FreeResults(ResultTable *p_table)
        if (p_table->results != NULL)
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < p_table->size; i++)
        p_table->size = 0;
        p_table->results = NULL;

    (As an improvement, you might consider using geometric growth instead of linear growth for your table of results.)

    Then your function becomes:

    size_t findWordsByPrefix(BinarySearchTree* tree, char* prefix, ResultTable *p_table)
        if (!tree)
            return 0;
        else if (strncmp(tree->mot,prefix,strlen(prefix))==0)
            AddResult(p_table, tree->mot);
            return (1 + findWordsByPrefix(tree->left,prefix, p_table) + findWordsByPrefix(tree->right,prefix, p_table));
        else if (strncmp(tree->mot,prefix,strlen(prefix))<0)
            return findWordsByPrefix(tree->right,prefix, p_table);
            return findWordsByPrefix(tree->left,prefix, p_table);

    And you would use it like:

    ResultTable results;
    // Get some prefix to search for.
    char prefix = GetSomePrefix();
    int size = findWordsByPrefix(tree, prefix, &results);
    // Do something with the results
    // Free all memory of the results


    If the ResultTable is distasteful for some reason, you can pass the dynamic array and array sizes in directly:

    void AddResult(char ***p_results, int *p_size, char *word) 
        if (word == NULL) 
        (*p_results) = realloc(*p_results, ((*p_size)+1) * sizeof(**p_results)); 
        (*p_results)[(*p_size)-1] = malloc((strlen(word) + 1) * sizeof(***p_results)); 
        strcpy((*p_results)[(*p_size)-1], word);
    void FreeResults(char ***p_results, int *p_size)
        int i;
        if (p_results == NULL || *p_results == NULL)
        for (i = 0; i < (*p_size); i++)
            free ((*p_results)[i]);
        free (*p_results);
        *p_results = NULL;
        *p_size = 0;
    size_t findWordsByPrefix(BinarySearchTree* tree, char* prefix, char ***p_results, int *p_size)
        if (!tree)
            return 0;
        else if (strncmp(tree->mot,prefix,strlen(prefix))==0)
            AddResult(p_results, p_size, tree->mot);
            return (1 + findWordsByPrefix(tree->left,prefix, p_results, p_size) + findWordsByPrefix(tree->right,prefix, p_results, p_size));
        else if (strncmp(tree->mot,prefix,strlen(prefix))<0)
            return findWordsByPrefix(tree->right,prefix, p_results, p_size);
            return findWordsByPrefix(tree->left,prefix, p_results, p_size);

    and use like:

    char **results = NULL;
    int    tablesize = 0;
    // Get some prefix to search for.
    char prefix = GetSomePrefix();
    int size = findWordsByPrefix(tree, prefix, &results, &tablesize);
    // Do something with the results
    // Free all memory of the results
    FreeResults(&results, &tablesize);