I have an array reference ($sections) in the stash. I'm trying to dereference this and assign it to a javascript array but nothing that i try works.
for example
%= javascript begin
var list = <%== $sections %>;
% end
leads to list equaling ARRAY0x23456 (which is correct since $sections is a ref)
%= javascript begin
var list = <%== @$sections %>;
% end
Assigns the array length to list (which is correct since list is treated as a scalar assignment).
%= javascript begin
var list = <%== $sections %>.slice();
% end
gives an error because $sections is a ref
%= javascript begin
var list = <%== @$sections %>.slice();
% end
Arguably is the most likely candidate but resolves to [array.length].slice() (e.g. 3.slice()), and fails.
How can I do this?
EDIT; I've managed to do this by forming a string with the array values in it within the stash and then creating the array I want from this.
e.g. stash contains the string 5,6,7,8 in $string within the javascript i can then do
array = [ <%= $string %> ];
I'd still be interested to know if there is a way to do this using the arrayref in the stash.
The fragment:
<%== @$sections %>
is equivalent to:
print scalar @$sections;
...so that is why you are getting the array length: an array in scalar context is the length of the array.
To get a javascript array, you have to replace <...> below with something that will cause the output to look like a js array:
print scalar <....>;
You can do something like this:
use Mojolicious::Lite;
get '/test' => sub {
my $c = shift;
$c->stash(sections => [1, 2, 3]);
local $" = ", "; #The value that gets inserted between array elements
#when an array is interpolated into a string. The default
#value is a space.
# $" gets reset to its previous value here
@@ template1.html.ep
%= javascript begin
var arr = <%== "[@$sections]" %>;
% end
Examine your browser's javascript console....