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strcpy / strncmp segmentation fault in struct fileds

I'm trying to add a new node to a struct with a char* field (word)

Definition of listT:

enum boolean {false, true};
struct list {
    enum boolean sorted;
        int words;
        char *word;
    struct list* next;
    struct list* previous;
typedef struct list listT;

add_word_node function is being called by main as: add_word_node(read_word, list_head) where read_word is given by the user with scanf. Word is being pass as a string but after strncpy there is no terminating byte.

     add_word_node (word=0xbffff0fa "ally", head=0x804c038) at prog.c    
     (gdb) p newnode->word

     $2 = 0x804c068 "allyP\224\373\267\377\377\377\377" 

 listT *add_word_node(char word[], listT *head) {
    listT *newnode;
    listT *curr = NULL;//sorted
    //listT *prev;//sorted

    newnode = malloc(sizeof(listT)); /* allocate new node and check */
    newnode->word = malloc(sizeof(char)* WORDLEN);
    strncpy(newnode->word, word, strlen(word));
    //newnode->word = strndup(word, strlen(word));

    if (newnode == NULL) {
        return (NULL);

    if (head->sorted == false){ //eisagwgh sto telos ths listas
        newnode->next = head;
        head->previous->next = newnode;
        newnode->previous = head->previous;
        head->previous = newnode;
    }else {
        if(head->next == head){
            newnode->next = head;
            newnode->previous = head;
            head->next = newnode;
            head->previous = newnode;

            for (curr = head->next; curr->next != NULL; curr = curr->next){//for( curr = head->next; ;){
                if(curr == NULL) break;
                if(strncmp(curr->word,newnode->word,strlen(word)) > 0) break;
                //else curr= curr->next;
            if(strncmp(curr->word,newnode->word,strlen(word))== 0){
            newnode->next = curr;
            newnode->previous = curr->previous;
            newnode->previous->next = newnode;
            newnode->next->previous = newnode;

    return (newnode);


I have read some other topics about this problem and I changed the function to use word[] instead of char* but it still doesn't work. Please tell me if you need more info. Also, when I use strndup, it sometimes work without any error.


  • As you say you have a char *word then this pointer should be allocated memory

    newnode->word = malloc(sizeof(char) * (WORDLEN+1)); /* Please access the structure elements accordingly */

    Memory should be allocated to the pointer before writing something to it.