I'm trying to code a card game. I have a sprite sheet like system to get individual cards. This is the code for my Deck class (without some functions):
private final int ROWS=5;
private final int COLS=13;
private ImageIcon [][] picts =new ImageIcon[ROWS][COLS];
static private BufferedImage bimg;
public Deck(){
ImageIcon ic = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/pic/cards.png"));
int imageHeight = ic.getIconHeight();
int imageWidth = ic.getIconWidth();
bimg = new BufferedImage(imageWidth ,imageHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
int px=0, py=0, w=imageWidth/COLS, h=imageHeight/ROWS;
System.out.println("width:"+w+" hieght:"+h);
for(int i=0;i<ROWS;i++){
for(int j=0;j<COLS;j++){
picts[i][j]=new ImageIcon(bimg.getSubimage(px, py, w, h));
When I paint the individual ImageIcons or the big BufferedImage on my own JPanel class, everything is just black. When I try to change TYPE_INT_RGB to ARGB the image turns completely transparent and sizeless. This also happens with a jpg version of the image. I tried g.drawImage(..., frame);g.drawImage(..., this);g.drawImage(..., null); but it doesn't affect the display. Also important to note that I have a background Image that does display fine:
public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
g.drawImage(bg, 0, 0, null);//works
g.drawImage(cards.getOP(), 30, 30, frame);//does not
I read other posts that didn't seem to help such as: BufferedImage produces black output BufferedImage not displaying (all black) but Image can be displayed
, everything is just black.
bimg = new BufferedImage(imageWidth ,imageHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
That's because all you do is create a blank BufferedImage. Getting a subImage of an umnpainted image gives you an unpainted image.
Use ImageIO
to read the image directly into a BufferedImage:
bimg = ImageIO.read(...);
Now you should be able to get your subImage.