Given a task at work to understand the usage of java webservice or aka JAX-WS in eclipse IDE with axis2 tool and using soap UI to view the messages.
looked at few examples on [][1] and also tried a example to retrieve database info to soap ui message but still not confident to say that I understood everything.
Need clarity on the points below:
As I am simultaneously learning webservices with burden of understanding tools at the same time please guide me few good tutorial sites.
Thank you
I did more or less the same few years ago. My experience is as follows (your mileage might vary):
Axis2 is WebService provider. It's a bunch of libraries and tools which on one hand generate for your the needed artefacts (Java from WSDL or the other way around) and on the other when packed into a web war allows you to publish a webservice by deploying the war in a container, e.g. tomcat. Yo might start by deploying one of the examples in Eclipse into Tomcat (running in Eclipse or outside) and write and run a Java client against it. Writing a simple client against a running service is good alternative against SOAP UI. SOAP UI helps you to understand the JAX-WS at protocol (SOAP) level. For playing with axis (not axis2!) was the axis book helpful.