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Milkman AdMob Not supported on my platform

I just bought the native extension for AdMob (ANDROID ONLY) like literally 30 minutes ago, and I have an error. So I added all the ANE's (Google Play), (AdMob), and even the API SWC, they were all inside the extensions folder. I updated my XML code for my application-app.xml.

But I'm having an error:

[SWF] com.milkmangames.extensions.AdMob - 13280 bytes after decompression [SWF] com.milkmangames.extensions.GoogleServices - 2415 bytes after decompression [SWF] FirstAndroidApp.swf - 2566656 bytes after decompression [AdMobExtension] WARNING: AdMob is not supported on this platform. running in test mode.

I was wondering if you guys could fix this....

Here is my Actionscript 3.0 code:

import com.milkmangames.nativeextensions.; import;

AdMob.init("PRIVATE INFORMATION"); AdMob.showAd(AdMobAdType.SMART_BANNER,AdMobAlignment.CENTER,AdMobAlignment.TOP);

Here is my XML code:

My laptop specs:

My laptop is: Acer Aspire V5 Windows 8.1 Intel Core I5-4200 U 1.6 Ghz with Turbo boost up to 2.6 Ghz Intel HD Graphics 4400 8GB memory 500 GB Harddrive

My Adobe air version is 15.0 (The latest)

I'm using Adobe Flash cs6; not Flash builder

Please help me. Thank you!


  • I fixed it. Admob only works on Android or IOS so I had to test on my phone. How silly of me. No wonder it didn't work on my computer! I had to test it on my device.