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apache Digester: Unexspected NoSuchMethodException on addSetNestedProperties

I have a problem using Digester and I hope you can help me. I have the following Bean:

public class MyEntry {
   private String entityID;

   public String getEntityID() { return this.entityID; }
   public void setEntityID(final String entityID) { this.entityID = entityID; }

And the following XML structure:


I use the addSetNestedProperties(…) method of the digester API:

digester.addSetNestedProperties("entries/entry", "MyID", "entryID");

The following exception occurs:

java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Bean has no property named MyID

Why is digester searching for a property named “MyID”? I specified “entryID” as bean property accorsing to the digester API

Thanks :)

Best regards QStorm


  • [original]

    You do not use the correct rule to perform your task.

    Try using this instead:

    digester.addBeanPropertySetter("entries/entry/MyID", "entityID");

    Tips: activate the log4j in your main by using for instance BasicConfigurator.configure();. The output can be very useful.


    If you want to use addSetNestedProperties:

    public class MyEntry {
       private String entityID;
       public String getEntityID() { return this.entityID; }
       public void setEntityID(final String entityID) { this.entityID = entityID; }

    and for new Digester().parse(myFile);

    digester.addObjectCreate("entries/entry", MyEntry.class);
    digester.addSetNestedProperties("entries/entry", "MyID", "entityID");
    //your propertyName was not the same as in your Bean Class Fields.

    and I presume that your Exception was:

    java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Bean has no property named entryID