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update xml file with bash

I make the internalization of a symfony2 site web, my code can generate unit translation like this:

 <trans-unit id="861b143b00e2f350dfe22876922294066b160351" resname="">
    <target state="new"></target>
    <jms:reference-file line="85">Resources/views/base.html.twig</jms:reference-file>
    <jms:reference-file line="62">Resources/views/base_jq.html.twig</jms:reference-file>

I have a csv file with data source;target (; utilisez de préférence Firefox ou Chrome) I would like to make a bash file which replace the target value with the value in the file. If you can help me it will be very nice :) I have little skills on bash command. thanks in advance.


  • Using & :

    using the @id :

    xmlstarlet edit -L \
    -u "//trans-unit[@id="861b143b00e2f350dfe22876922294066b160351"]/target/text()"\
    -v 'utilisez de préférence Firefox ou Chrome' file.xml

    or using text of the csv :

    src="$(cut -d';' -f2 file.csv | tr -d $'\n')"
    rep="$(cut -d';' -f3 file.csv | tr -d $'\n')"
    xmlstarlet edit -L -u "//target/text()[@text()='$src'" -v "$rep" file.xml

    OUTPUT of edited in place file :

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <trans-unit id="861b143b00e2f350dfe22876922294066b160351" resname="">
      <target state="new">utilisez de pr&#xE9;f&#xE9;rence Firefox ou Chrome</target>
      <jms:reference-file line="85">Resources/views/base.html.twig</jms:reference-file>
      <jms:reference-file line="62">Resources/views/base_jq.html.twig</jms:reference-file>