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Customising event delegates in the jQuery validation plug-in

I am currently setting up the jQuery validation plug-in for use in our project.

By default, there are some events automatically set up for handling. I.e. focus in/out, key up events on all inputs fire validation. I want it to only fire when the submit button is clicked.

This functionality seems to be in-built into the plug-in, which is making it difficult to do this (without modifying the plug-in code, Not What I Want To Do).

I have found the eventDelegate function calls in the plugin code prototype method:

            .validateDelegate(":text, :password, :file, select, textarea", "focusin focusout keyup", delegate)
            .validateDelegate(":radio, :checkbox, select, option", "click", delegate);

When I remove these lines from the plug-in I get my result, however I would much rather do something Outside the plug-in to achieve this.

Can anybody please help me? If you need any more details, please let me know. I have searched google with little success.


EDIT: I am basically trying to validate the form Only when the submit event is fired. By default, the plug-in validates every time focus is lost in an input control.


  • Found the answer. It was (hidden?) away as part of the options in the validate method.

    See the options onfocusout etc on this page:

    which I can set to false.

    Here is my code which sets up my validator (hopefully others will find this useful):

    $(document).ready(function() {
        $("form").each(function() {
                validateDelegate: function() { },
                onsubmit: true,
                onkeydown: false,
                onkeyup: false,
                onfocusin: false,
                onfocusout: false,
                errorContainer: "#PanelError",
                errorLabelContainer: "#PanelError ul",
                wrapper: "li",
                ignoreTitle: true,
                errorClass: "Error",
                highlight: function(element, errorClass, validClass) {
                    $(element.form).find("#" +
                unhighlight: function(element, errorClass, validClass) {
                    $(element.form).find("#" +