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Set default focus on first item in grid list

Once a grid is rendered how can I set focus to the first item. I am running into a problem where when the grid is updated (collection changes) then focus is lost for the entire application .

I am using the moonstone library.

    kind: "ameba.DataGridList", name: "gridList", fit: true, spacing: 20, minWidth: 300, minHeight: 270, spotlight : 'container',
       kind: "moon.Scroller", vertical:"scroll", horizontal: "hidden", spotlightPagingControls: true
    components: [
       {kind : "custom.GridItemControl", spotlight: true}


  • hightlight() is a private method for Spotlight which only adds the spotlight class but does not do the rest of the Spotlight plumbing. spot() is the method you should be using which calls highlight() internally.

    @ruben-ray-vreeken is correct that DataList defers rendering. The easiest way to spot the first control is to set initialFocusIndex provided by moon.DataListSpotlightSupport.

        name: 'ex.App',
        classes: 'moon',
        bindings: [
            {from: ".collection", to: ".$.gridList.collection"}
        components: [
            {name: 'gridList', kind:"moon.DataGridList", classes: 'enyo-fit', initialFocusIndex: 0, components: [
                {kind:"moon.CheckboxItem", bindings: [
                    {from:".model.text", to:".content"},
                    {from:".model.selected", to: ".checked", oneWay: false}
        create: enyo.inherit(function (sup) {
            return function () {
                sup.apply(this, arguments);
                // here, at least, the app starts in pointer mode so spotting the first control
                // isn't apparent (though it would resume from that control upon 5-way action).
                // Turning off pointer mode does the trick.
                this.set("collection", new enyo.Collection(this.generateRecords()));
        generateRecords: function () {
            var records = [],
                idx     = this.modelIndex || 0;
            for (; records.length < 20; ++idx) {
                var title = (idx % 8 === 0) ? " with long title" : "";
                var subTitle = (idx % 8 === 0) ? "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" : "Subtitle";
                    selected: false,
                    text: "Item " + idx + title,
                    subText: subTitle,
                    url: "" + Math.floor(Math.random()*0x1000000).toString(16) + "/ffffff&text=Image " + idx
            // update our internal index so it will always generate unique values
            this.modelIndex = idx;
            return records;
    new ex.App().renderInto(document.body);