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Date/Time format relative to date range

I need to select appropriate date/time format depending on the date range I am working with. The date range could be a few weeks, days, hours, seconds (even milliseconds).

I've looked into moment.js and format.js but I'm hoping there's something better out there. I want to achieve something like highcharts daterange. These charts select appropriate formats for the datetime axis according to the range.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • Try this below code, it is still rough:

    var start = new Date(2014,12,22);
    var end = new Date(2014,12,23);
    var range = end.getTime() - start.getTime(); // milliseconds
    var seconds = range/1000;
    var minutes = seconds/60;
    var hour = minutes/60;
    var days = hour/24;
    var months = days/30;
    var year = months/12;
    var maxValue = [9999, 12, 31, 24, 60, 60];
    var dateRange = [year, months, days, hour, minutes, seconds];
    var dateFormat = ['#yr', '#mt', '#d', '#h', '#min', '#sec'];
    var specifiedIndex = 0; // default format
    for (var index = 0; index < maxValue.length; index ++)
        if ((dateRange[index] < maxValue[index]) && (dateRange[index] >= 1))
            specifiedIndex = index;
            index = maxValue.length;
    alert("format date = " + dateFormat[specifiedIndex]);

    Thank you,