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Apache POI: comments in empty cells in an empty row

I have a big problem with Apache POI.

    A       B       C       D
1   text    text    text    text
2                   comment           
3   text    text    text    text

In this example row 2 is empty, C2 has no text, but a comment.

If I want to get row 2, POI will return null.

How can I get a comment from an empty cell in an empty row?


  • To fetch arbitrary comments, without going via the Cell directly, you can use Sheet.gteCellComment(int row, int cell)

    From your example, to get the comment in C2, do something like:

    CellReference ref = new CellReference("C2")
    Comment commentC2 = sheet.getCellComment(ref.getRow(), ref.getCol());