I have a table in Microsoft Excel that I'd like to use to calculate the best combination of coaches to house the supplied number of passengers. Here is a simplified version of the table:
I need to enter three formulas in the coach count column that calculates the best value-for-money combination of coaches that can carry all the passengers. For example, if there was 40 passengers, the result should be one 49-seat coach as opposed two 20-seat coaches as it's the cheapest combination.
I have no idea how I would work on implementing these formulas and would appreciate some pointers.
So far, all I have in C4 is
=IF(MOD(B1, A4) = 0, B1 / A4, 0)
which only works with multiples of 20 and does not account for combinations of coaches or cost efficiency.
Perhaps this is too complex of a task to implement in formulae? Would I be better off using a VB macro, or simply leaving it to the user to calculate the best combination?
There are two ways to address this problem. I will outline both solutions:
Here are screenshots of the final outcome:
And the formulas required to make it: (and a link in case you need to blow it up: https://i.sstatic.net/hKjQK.jpg)
Note: You'll notice that the previous answer is incorrect, as it suggested that 74 people would need to spend $180 instead of $140.
The formulas: