So I tried some research, but I just don't know how to google this..
For example, I got a .db (works same as .txt for me) file, written like this:
DIRT: 3;
so far, i got a code that can put items in a comboBox like this:
will put DIRT and STONE in the comboBox. This is the code I'm using for that:
string[] lineOfContents = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(dbfile);
foreach (var line in lineOfContents)
string[] tokens = line.Split(',');
How do I expand this so it put e.g. DIRT and STONE in the combobox, and keep the rest (3) in variables (ints, like int varDIRT = 3)? If you want, it doesn't have to be txt or db files.. i heard xml are config files too.
Try doing something like this:
cmb.DataSource = File.ReadAllLines("filePath").Select(d => new
Name = d.Split(',').First(),
Value = Convert.ToInt32(d.Split(',').Last().Replace(";",""))
cmb.DisplayMember = "Name";
cmb.ValueMember= "Value";
remember it will require to use using System.Linq;
if your want ot reference the selected value of the combobox you can use