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Rails 4 Not Updating Nested Attributes Via JSON

I've scoured related questions and still have a problem updating nested attributes in rails 4 through JSON returned from my AngularJS front-end.

Question: The code below outlines JSON passed from AngularJS to the Candidate model in my Rails4 app. The Candidate model has many Works, and I'm trying to update the Works model through the Candidate model. For some reason the Works model fails to update, and I'm hoping someone can point out what I'm missing. Thanks for your help.

Here's the json in the AngularJS front-end for the candidate:

{"id"=>"13", "nickname"=>"New Candidate", "works_attributes"=>[
{"title"=>"Financial Analyst", "description"=>"I did things"},
{"title"=>"Accountant", "description"=>"I did more things"}]}

Rails then translates this JSON into the following by adding the candidate header, but does not include the nested attributes under the candidate header and fails to update the works_attributes through the candidate model:

{"id"=>"13", "nickname"=>"New Candidate", "works_attributes"=>[
{"title"=>"Financial Analyst", "description"=>"I did things"},
{"title"=>"Accountant", "description"=>"I did more things"}],
"candidate"=>{"id"=>"13", "nickname"=>"New Candidate"}}

The candidate_controller.rb contains a simple update:

class CandidatesController < ApplicationController

    before_filter :authenticate_user!

  respond_to :json

  def update
    respond_with Candidate.update(params[:id], candidate_params)


  def candidate_params
      works_attributes: [:id, :title, :description])


The candidate.rb model includes the following code defining the has_many relationship with the works model:

class Candidate < ActiveRecord::Base

  ## Model Relationships
  belongs_to :users
  has_many :works, :dependent => :destroy  

  ## Nested model attributes
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :works, allow_destroy: true

  ## Validations
  validates_presence_of :nickname
  validates_uniqueness_of :user_id


And finally, the works.rb model defines the other side of the has_many relationship:

class Work < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :candidate

I appreciate any help you may be able to provide as I'm sure that I'm missing something rather simple.



  • I've also been working with a JSON API between Rails and AngularJS. I used the same solution as RTPnomad, but found a way to not have to hardcode the include attributes:

    class CandidatesController < ApplicationController
      respond_to :json
      nested_attributes_names = do |key| 
      wrap_parameters include: Candidate.attribute_names + nested_attributes_names,
        format: :json
      # ...

    Refer to this issue in Rails to see if/when they fix this problem.

    Update 10/17
    Pending a PR merge here: rails/rails#19254.