When interfacing with one item in a listbox, its simple enough to go:
myClass citem = (myClass)myListBop.SelectedItem.
Whats the correct way for multiple items? I have seen examples of simply copying the data to a List, but surely it would be best to avoid the copy and go for the correct cast? Resharper kindly informs me that I might be doing something wrong:
Where the suggestion is:
Suspicious case: there is no type in the solution which is inherited from both "Sytem.Windows.Forms.ListBox.SelectedObjectCollection" and "System,Collections.Generic.IList<myClass>"
Basically what is the intended usage of IList / SelectedObjectCollection?
Whats the correct way for multiple items?
does not implement IList<T>
. you can't just cast it. Instead you can use Cast
method to cast all items to your type and put them in a list: