what's the best way to split a big component into multiple smaller ones and aggregate their data? I would like to access the state of the BillingDataComponent, NameComponent and AddressComponent in the FormComponent.
var FormComponent = React.createClass({
_onClick: function() {
// Access child data here
var name = ???
var address = ???
var billingData = ???
render: function() {
return (
<NameComponent name="Maybe the name is already set?" />
<AddressComponent />
<BillingDataComponent />
<button onClick={this._onClick} >Submit</button>
var NameComponent = React.createClass({
_onChange: function(e) {
value: e.target.value
render: function() {
return (
<input type="text" value={this.state.value} onChange={this._onChange} />
// AddressComponent and BillingDataComponent similiar
You should let the FormComponent
own the data and pass it down as props to the other components. When the data should change, the children should propagate the change up to the form:
var FormComponent = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
name: ""
_onClick: function() {
// Access child data here
var name = ???
var address = ???
var billingData = ???
_onNameChange: function(name) {
name: name
render: function() {
return (
<NameComponent onChange={this._onNameChange} value={this.state.name} />
<AddressComponent />
<BillingDataComponent />
<button onClick={this._onClick} >Submit</button>
var NameComponent = React.createClass({
_onChange: function(e) {
render: function() {
return (
<input type="text" value={this.props.value} onChange={this._onChange} />
// AddressComponent and BillingDataComponent similiar