Search code examples

Weird behaviour while trying to get picture from DCIM

I am trying to load a picture in my activity from DCIM. I use the following code :

public void openBrowsePictures() {
    Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK,MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI);

    startActivityForResult(i, BROWSE_PICTURES);

and in onActivityResult :

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

    if (requestCode == BROWSE_PICTURES && resultCode == RESULT_OK && null != data) { // we have bitmap from filesystem!
        Uri selectedImage = data.getData();

        String[] filePathColumn = {MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA};

        Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(
                selectedImage, filePathColumn, null, null, null);

        int columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(filePathColumn[0]);
        Log.d("CAMERA", " column : " + columnIndex);
        String filePath = cursor.getString(columnIndex);

        Bitmap yourSelectedImage = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filePath);

        Log.d("CAMERA", "----" + filePath);

The situation becomes strange when I try to load a taken picture from filesystem. It works as expected when a. I choose a picture from EasyScreenshot file but when b. I choose picture from DCIM/Camera path it does not work. If I run the code the Log.d at the a. case prints :

CAMERA﹕ ____content://media/external/images/media/27487

and the second Log.d :

CAMERA﹕ ----/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot_2014-12-18-15-14-22.png

but , in case b it prints the following :

the first log.d :

CAMERA: ____content://

and the second log.d :

CAMERA﹕ ----null

I test the application in a nexus 4 device running Android 5.0.1

Thank you in advance


  • You cannot assume that the Uri returned by the media picker will correspond to a local file. It looks like you're selecting a G+ photo or some other image that is not in the device.

    The correct way to go would be to use a ContentResolver to access the picture as a stream. For example:

    InputStream inputStream = null;
    if (ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT.equals(selectedImage.getScheme())) {
        inputStream = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(selectedImage);
    } else if (ContentResolver.SCHEME_FILE.equals(selectedImage.getScheme())) {
        inputStream = new FileInputStream(selectedImage.getPath());
    bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream);

    That should work for both content:// or file:// uris.

    And (very important) make sure to do this from a background thread (e.g. AsyncTask), otherwise you'll get a NetworkOnMainThreadException if the uri is a "remote" one.