I have to follow some strict indentation rules of Java code.
In many cases I have to jump to the 26th or 28th column of the current row. The characters between my original location and the 26th/28th column should be space characters (not TABs).
Is there a way to do this in Eclipse with some keyboard shortcuts (or some other way)? I checked all the available code style rules and couldn't find anything to help me.
Example :
package com.companyname.something;
import java.io.*;
public class Something
extends SomethingElse
implements AnotherThing
public static final String
SOME_NAME = "SomeValue";
private int _var;
As you can see, following these standards requires typing a lot of spaces. Is there a way to do it easily in Eclipse?
This is not a good practices but you can use this
Create Templates in eclipse Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Templates -> New...
Name : 1
Pattern :${cursor}<give one space>
Name :2
Pattern :${cursor}<give two space>
Name : 26
Pattern :${cursor}<give 26 space>