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Full java code from Netbeans Project

How can I get the full java code of a netbeans project? I have created a project for a contest, but need to submit the whole code. In Netbeans alot of the libraries and classes code is hidden. I need to submit all this. Even if a plugin needs to be installed.

Thank You :)


  • Assuming you have a NetBeans Project named HelloWorld in your system,let's assume that the default directory of storage of NetBeans Projects is in

    C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\NetBeansProjects\HelloWorld    // On Windows OS
    /home/NetBeansProjects/HelloWorld   //  On *nix(Linux,Unix) based OS

    If it is different from the above,then please switch to the default directory of the Netbeans Projects.

    Select your project folder from that,HelloWorld here.

    It'll have several directories(folders) inside.

    Switch over to src folder. All the .java files are placed in that directory. Those are the source code in Java. You can open and check and verify those files using any text-editor like Notepad,Gedit,etc.

    NOTE :- DON'T DELETE ANY OTHER FOLDER/FILES unnecessarily,else,your NetBeans project won't be recognised/won't run properly.