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How to use Typescript with native ES6 Promises

I'm a complete beginner to Typescript and am wondering if it's possible to use ES6 promises in Typescript and what I would have to do to get them to work. I'm running node 0.11.14 and am getting an error during compilation "Cannot find name 'Promise'"


  • The current lib.d.ts doesn't have promises in it defined so you need a extra definition file for it that is why you are getting compilation errors.

    You could for example use (like @elclanrs says) use the es6-promise package with the definition file from DefinitelyTyped: es6-promise definition

    You can then use it like this:

    var p = new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => { 
        resolve('a string'); 

    edit You can use it without a definition when targeting ES6 (with the TypeScript compiler) - Note you still require the Promise to exists in the runtime ofcourse (so it won't work in old browsers :)) Add/Edit the following to your tsconfig.json :

    "compilerOptions": {
        "target": "ES6"

    edit 2 When TypeScript 2.0 will come out things will change a bit (though above still works) but definition files can be installed directly with npm like below:

    npm install --save @types/es6-promise - source

    edit3 Updating answer with more info for using the types.

    Create a package.json file with only { } as the content (if you don't have a package.json already. Call npm install --save @types/es6-promise and tsc --init. The first npm install command will change your package.json to include the es6-promise as a dependency. tsc --init will create a tsconfig.json file for you.

    You can now use the promise in your typescript file var x: Promise<any>;. Execute tsc -p . to compile your project. You should have no errors.