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Pinch to zoom using Hammer.js

I am trying to implement pinch to zoom using hammer.js

Here's my HTML-

 <script src="//"></script>

<div id="pinchzoom">
            <img id="rect" src="" width="2835" height="4289" ondragstart="return false" alt="" />

Here's my SCRIPT

var hammertime = Hammer(document.getElementById('pinchzoom'), {
        transform_always_block: true,
        transform_min_scale: 1,
        drag_block_horizontal: false,
        drag_block_vertical: false,
        drag_min_distance: 0

    var rect = document.getElementById('rect');

    var posX=0, posY=0,
        scale=1, last_scale,
        rotation= 1, last_rotation;

    hammertime.on('touch drag transform', function(ev) {
        switch(ev.type) {
            case 'touch':
                last_scale = scale;
                last_rotation = rotation;

            case 'drag':
                posX = ev.gesture.deltaX;
                posY = ev.gesture.deltaY;

            case 'transform':
                rotation = last_rotation + ev.gesture.rotation;
                scale = Math.max(1, Math.min(last_scale * ev.gesture.scale, 10));

        // transform!
        var transform =
                //"translate3d("+posX+"px,"+posY+"px, 0) " +
                "scale3d("+scale+","+scale+", 0) ";
 = transform; = transform; = transform; = transform; = transform;

It works fine but I am not able to scroll the image. On uncommenting transform3d it works but image looses its position on drag. I can't use jQuery.


  • For 2.0+ I have taken @DGS answer and changed it to suit what I was doing with and so it's pure JS and 2.0 for .

    My implementation allows you to zoom and drag at the same time, not independent of each other as above, and provides for a more native feel. It also implements the double tap to zoom in (and to zoom back out). I have it set to zoom between .999 and 4, but you can do as you like just changing those values. So if you just copy and paste this it will probably do what you expect it to (on ).

    Thanks to Eight Media and @DGS for getting me started! Feel free to improve it SO.

    function hammerIt(elm) {
        hammertime = new Hammer(elm, {});
            enable: true
        var posX = 0,
            posY = 0,
            scale = 1,
            last_scale = 1,
            last_posX = 0,
            last_posY = 0,
            max_pos_x = 0,
            max_pos_y = 0,
            transform = "",
            el = elm;
        hammertime.on('doubletap pan pinch panend pinchend', function(ev) {
            if (ev.type == "doubletap") {
                transform =
                    "translate3d(0, 0, 0) " +
                    "scale3d(2, 2, 1) ";
                scale = 2;
                last_scale = 2;
                try {
                    if (window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue('-webkit-transform').toString() != "matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)") {
                        transform =
                            "translate3d(0, 0, 0) " +
                            "scale3d(1, 1, 1) ";
                        scale = 1;
                        last_scale = 1;
                } catch (err) {}
       = transform;
                transform = "";
            if (scale != 1) {
                posX = last_posX + ev.deltaX;
                posY = last_posY + ev.deltaY;
                max_pos_x = Math.ceil((scale - 1) * el.clientWidth / 2);
                max_pos_y = Math.ceil((scale - 1) * el.clientHeight / 2);
                if (posX > max_pos_x) {
                    posX = max_pos_x;
                if (posX < -max_pos_x) {
                    posX = -max_pos_x;
                if (posY > max_pos_y) {
                    posY = max_pos_y;
                if (posY < -max_pos_y) {
                    posY = -max_pos_y;
            if (ev.type == "pinch") {
                scale = Math.max(.999, Math.min(last_scale * (ev.scale), 4));
            if(ev.type == "pinchend"){last_scale = scale;}
            if(ev.type == "panend"){
                last_posX = posX < max_pos_x ? posX : max_pos_x;
                last_posY = posY < max_pos_y ? posY : max_pos_y;
            if (scale != 1) {
                transform =
                    "translate3d(" + posX + "px," + posY + "px, 0) " +
                    "scale3d(" + scale + ", " + scale + ", 1)";
            if (transform) {
       = transform;

    To implement just call it with hammerIt(document.getElementById("imagid")); after the element has loaded. You can call this on as many elements as you like.
