I wrote the below code block with cfset,
<cfset variables.test = 3>
<cfset variables.check = variables.test == 5>
<cfdump var="#variables#">
but this code block generated the error, "ColdFusion was looking at the following text: = "
While I wrote the above block within cfscript it provide me the correct reasult. Here is the cfscript code block.
variables.test = 3;
variables.check = variables.test == 5;
Here is the output of the cfscript code block.
I am not sure why script and tag based approach is behaving differently in this case. Please suggest, why the tag based approach is generating an error.
Note: I have tested this in CF9.
You can't use "==" as a decision operator with tags. Use "EQ".
<cfset variables.test = 3>
<cfset variables.check = variables.test EQ 5>
<cfdump var="#variables#">
Doc reference: "The CFScript language: Expressions and operators"