I have defined a prefab with name is "Item" and contain in Resources Then, I load that prefab in GUI (Unity3D)
Object prefab_item = Resources.Load("Item");
GameObject g = Instantiate(prefab_item) as GameObject;
g.transform.parent = this.transform;
g.transform.position = pos;
Sprite sprite = Resources.Load("Images/item_" + item, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
g.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = sprite;
I want to load a list of different items by "Item" prefab, How to identify the different items when pressing them?
Thanks all!
You can give each game object you created a name:
int i=1;
g.name = string.Format("item {0}", i);
Then you can identify it using:
var object = GameObject.Find("item 1");
In case you want to handle it when it is pressed, you can:
attach the MonoBehaviour script to the game object programatically: