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How to launch a steam game using TideSDK?

So I'm trying to build an app using TideSDK (javascript) and I need it to run a steam game (preferably using the steam link: steam://run/440) and any other game that is not on steam using its actual path, something like C:/Games/CS:GO/csgo.exe.

I think the latter should be easy to find if I research a little bit more but I cannot find anyway to run the steam games using that link even after hours of research on this matter. I know some other apps like Rainmeter can do it. They can open steam games using just the steam rungame link.

I've tried using:

var myScript = Ti.Process.createProcess({
           args:["start", "steam://rungameid/730"]

//Launches the process  

and just a good old <a href="steam://rungameid/730"></a>

But neither of them worked. Can you guys please suggest me something?

Thanks in advance!!


  • Just in case anyone else want to do the same thing then you need to use: Ti.Platform.openApplication("steam://run/730");

    to run a steam game and something like:

    Ti.Platform.openApplication("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\Steam.exe");

    if you want to run an application using a path.