I'm trying to retrieve the videos returned by the following youtube url using gdata API.
If I use the above url, I'm only getting first 4 results, whereas I can see this query produces more results.
Is there a different way of constructing this url? I'm using standard gdata java API.
String feedUrl = "https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/lyndapodcast/uploads?v=2&max-results=50&start-index=1&q=autodesk";
YouTubeService service = new YouTubeService("Test_App");
Query query = new Query(new URL(feedUrl));
VideoFeed videoFeed = service.getFeed(query, VideoFeed.class);
for(VideoEntry videoEntry : videoFeed.getEntries() ) {
Any pointers will be appreciated.
The following URL displays 50 results for me: