I have a problem with share parameters from one object to other I have one LatestVideos object with options my video galleries and other object with methods to Paginate, Render, Categories and LocalStorage, witch handup all functionality but I use this to many this I need this as separete object
(function (window, document, none) {
"use strict";
var LatestVideos = window.LatestVideos = function (option) {
/* object to init puglin data JSON FORMAT keys Jsondata or url , container,
actual page wrapper on paggination, number of item per page, categorywrapper*/
this.fragments = document.createDocumentFragment();
this.categories = ["Favorite"];
this.statusLoad = 0;
this.allid = [];
this.categoryid = [];
this.actual = [];
this.page = 0;
this.settings = { /// init data from options object from parameter constructor
JsonData :option.data || 0,
container : option.container,
actpage : option.actpage || 1,
buttonwrapper : option.paginationwrapper,
categorywrapper : option.categorywrapper,
itemperpage : option.itemperpage, // get value from prev Selection or default
LatestVideos.prototype.initData = function (data) { // assinchrounous call json with ajax
this.settings.JsonData = data;
this.settings.lengthData = data.length;
var Render = { // need this data from LASTESTVIDEOS data,conteiner,paginationwrapper,categorywrapper
/// object with method to render articles to my website
var Pagination = function(){
// from LASTESTVIDEOS I need JsonData, actPage overide page and paginatorwrapper
// object with method to calculate number of pages and paginate my articles
var Cateogry = function(){
// from LASTESTVIDEOS categoryid change actual and allid
// object with method to changeCategory and get category from data atribut
var LocalStoraget = function (){
// object with method to getFavorite item form localstorage and add to localstorage
})(window, document);
function loadJSON(url, callback) {
/* function to load ajax from url input(url- form and callback function),
output function call and post (ARRAY JSON OBJECTS)*/
var xmlhttp =0;
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') {
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
var versions = ["Microsoft.XmlHttp",
var len = versions.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
try {
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject(versions[i]);
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = ensureReadiness;
function ensureReadiness(){
if (xmlhttp.readyState === 4 && xmlhttp.status === 200)
JSONObject = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText);
callback (JSONObject);
var options = {url:"someURL",container:"videox",paginationwrapper:"pages"};
var opp = new LatestVideos(options);
and this is a plugin witch I need create xtimes with differend options and sometimes I need separetly render or paginate object or localstorage
I would probably change it a bit:
var Render = function (options) {
this.options = $.extend({ //default options
data: [],
container: null
}, options);
// use internal logic here
var getCategories = function(){
// and return public methods
return {
getCategories: getCategories
and change the code in LatestVideos to the following:
LatestVideos.prototype.initData = function (data) { // assinchrounous call json with ajax
this.settings.JsonData = data;
this.settings.lengthData = data.length;
var renderer = new Render({
data: this.settings.JsonData,
container: this.settings.container