In my web app I am showing alerts for loading content and another alert when there is an error.
I am using AngularJS/AngularStrap
right now this is what I have:
var noLinesAlert = $alert({
title: 'Sorry, no lines at this moment :(',
container: '.no-lines-alert',
type: 'danger',
dismissable: false,
show: false
loaderAlert = $alert({
content: 'Loading content. Please wait...',
container: '.alerts-container',
type: 'info',
show: true
and I am calling these alerts this way, example
or loaderAlert.hide()
and so on... but just imagine that I will have 4 more alerts for special cases, do I have to create those vars with the object inside every time or is there a way to do it more programmatically? and how.
Well, you can store "default" settings for those 4 special cases in dedicated object, for example: ALERTS_SETTINGS = { notice: {} }
, and then the call would be much more concise:
var noticeOptions = angular.extend(ALERTS_SETTINGS.notice, { title: "My custom property one" })
var notice = $alert(noticeOptions)
Using angular.extend you can override any default setting from the original object by those you provide in the second argument.