I am trying to portable rest application for Weblogic and Jboss. Currently we are using jersey for rest app. with portable implementation jboss will use resteasy.
Context: in our app we are @Provider
class using ContextResolver<JAXBContext>
return JSONJAXBContext
with JSONConfiguration.natural().build()
. so i am trying to find jersey internally used above configuration for Jackson or Jettison. please help me on this.
Consider forgetting anything to do with Jersey, if you're looking for portability. You can simply use the jackson-jaxrs-json-provider. If you are allowing for resource/providers to be auto-discovered, then there should be no extra configuration for this provider needed.
If you are registering resources/providers explicitly, then you should register either JacksonJsonProvider
or JacksonJsonJaxbProvider
(if you need JAXB annotation support). If you are using auto-registration (scanning), then as stated earlier, these providers will be be implicitly registered for you.
As for the ContentResolver
, if you need to configure the marshaller/unmarshaller, the you should use the Jackson's ObjectMapper
(e.g. implements ContextResolver<ObjectMapper>
). There are many different configurations for the ObjectMapper