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Javascript wait until iframe has reloaded

Fixing the following javascript code contains my newest task:

// submit the form in the iframe:
// wait 50msec for result to be loaded:
    // get documentId of newly created document from result
    var docId = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0].
    // put documentId into the outer form
    // submit outer form
}, 50);
// TODO: Error if result is not available after 50ms.

I now have to find a way to execute the anonymous function once the iframe has reloaded.

I thought of using a body onload on the iframe, but I can't, because I would have to insert it in the body of the new page.


  • Haha, trying to get this to work on JSFiddle was more difficult. Since they load javascript seperately from html. Anyways this should work.


    //function that happens when loaded
    function loaded() {
        b.innerHTML = 'Call Back Worked';
    //gets elements and sets them to variables
    var b = document.getElementById('callback')
    var a = document.getElementById("myframe");
    //listens to load event
    a.addEventListener("load", loaded());