Fixing the following javascript code contains my newest task:
// submit the form in the iframe:
// wait 50msec for result to be loaded:
// get documentId of newly created document from result
var docId = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0].
// put documentId into the outer form
// submit outer form
}, 50);
// TODO: Error if result is not available after 50ms.
I now have to find a way to execute the anonymous function once the iframe has reloaded.
I thought of using a body onload on the iframe, but I can't, because I would have to insert it in the body of the new page.
Haha, trying to get this to work on JSFiddle was more difficult. Since they load javascript seperately from html. Anyways this should work.
//function that happens when loaded
function loaded() {
b.innerHTML = 'Call Back Worked';
//gets elements and sets them to variables
var b = document.getElementById('callback')
var a = document.getElementById("myframe");
//listens to load event
a.addEventListener("load", loaded());