I have a watch-task which loops through an array. The strings inside the array are used to get different file paths to watch for. That's the line with the watch-function. The on-function looks for changes inside these files. If there is a change a new function will be called, which starts to compile the sass files.
function setWatchPipe(groupName) {
.on('change', function(e, groupName) {
return gulp.src(appFiles.styles.src + groupName)
.pipe($.plumber({ errorHandler: function (error) {}}))
style: sassStyle,
compass: true,
noCache: true
.pipe(isProduction ? $.combineMediaQueries({ log: true }) : _.noop())
.pipe(isProduction ? $.minifyCss({ keepSpecialComments: 1 }) : _.noop())
showFiles: true
var watchArray = ['base', 'front'];
gulp.task('watch', ['build-styles'], function() {
for(var i = 0; i < watchArray.length; i++)
My problem is the parameter "groupName" inside. The watch-task reacts on changes, but the console.log is undefined. I need to get an output of the strings from the array, but I don't know how to pass the variable to that position (it's needed to get the right source-file, which has to be written).
Greetings, Lars
Try using function(e)
instead of function(e, groupName)
. it might be setting the variable groupName
with undefined
for your closure. the change
callback only returns one argument I think.