I have been trying to fetch data from 2 different tables to a single entity in JPA but with no result.
The entity that keeps data from two different tables is as below :
@Data @Entity @JsonSnakeCase
public class WareHouse {
private long id;
@Column(unique = true)
private String fcId;
private FCStatus status;
@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST, fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy = "fcId")
private List<WorkingHours> workingHours;
private IntegrationType integrationType;
The other entity WorkingHours
is :
public class WorkingHours {
private long id;
private String fcId;
private LocalDate date;
private DateTime start;
private DateTime end;
The tables WareHouse
and WorkingHours
have one-to-many relationship and fcId
is the column that joins them.
In my use case, I have to fetch WareHouse
details and its WorkingHours
in a single entity WareHouse
as defined above. How do I achieve this ?
The named query (below) only fetches the WareHouse
data and WorkingHours
is coming empty. Is the data model wrong ? Or is the query wrong ? (I thought JPA would take care of automatically fetching from the related table when given the annotations OneToMany
and FetchType
<named-query name="searchByFcId">
select f from WareHouse f where f.fcId = :fc_id
You can try the following mappings. The JPA 2.0 spec note (11.1.21) notes:
If the referencedColumnName element is missing, the foreign key is assumed to
refer to the primary key of the referenced table.
However it also goes on to note that:
Support for referenced columns that are not primary key columns of the
referenced table is optional. Applications that use such mappings
will not be portable.
So whether or not this works will depend on your provider.
public class WareHouse {
private long id;
@Column(unique = true)
private String fcId;
private FCStatus status;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "warehouse", cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private List<WorkingHours> workingHours;
private IntegrationType integrationType;
public class WorkingHours {
private long id;
@JoinColumn(name = "fcId", referencedColumnName="fcid")
private Warehouse warehouse;
private LocalDate date;
private DateTime start;
private DateTime end;