I'm using a simple console application to convert infopath forms to PDF files. Here's a brief summary of how I'm going about this.
Summary: The console application creates a windows form. When the form is loaded (modally) I add an infopath control (Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.FormControl) to this window. At that point I call infoPathControl.Open(myInfoPathFileStream). All of this is done in a forloop.
The problem: Randomly the application will throw exceptions (Catastrophic failure, heap corrupt, etc), and even better it will occasionally hang without throwing an error. Logging and debugging has lead me to believe it's hanging in the infoPathControl.Open(myInfoPathFileStream) call. Obviously for an automated process this is unacceptable.
Attempted (but failed) solutions
Any ideas would be much appreciated as I've spent a good deal of time on this already.
In the end the solution was to run the infopath conversion process within it's own executable with return codes setup for success, failure, and specific types of errors. This was then called by a second executable with a timeout. If the conversion did not succeed within a period of time, it would be killed off by the calling executable. This ultimately does not resolve the issues within the infopath automation libraries, but it does the job we needed to get done without fail.