I am using Greenfoot IDE and i have a World Class and a Boat class and a Exit class
Inside the Boat class i have a constructor which defines the boat (what kinda boat it is & which picture).
Boat Code:
public class Boat extends Actor
private int size;
private int speed;
private int slow = 1;
private boolean leeg = false;
private int id;
private int time;
public void act() {
public Boat(int newSize, int i, int t) {
size = newSize;
id = i;
time = t;
public void setImage(int i) {
if (!leeg) {
setImage(new GreenfootImage("Boat"+i+".png"));
else {
setImage(new GreenfootImage("Boatleeg"+i+".png"));
Inside the Exit class I have a constructor which defines the different Exit's
public class Exit extends Actor
private String color;
private int points;
* Act - do whatever the Exit wants to do. This method is called whenever
* the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment.
public Exit(String kleur) {
color = kleur;
public void setImage(String kleur) {
//Game1 game = getWorld().getObjects(Boat.class);
setImage(new GreenfootImage("exit"+kleur+".png"));
public String getColor()
return color;
In the World class i added 3 different boats & 3 different exits to the so called "World" of greenfoot with different parameters. Now i have 3 different boats & 3 different Exits.
public class Game1 extends World
* Constructor for objects of class Game1.
public Game1()
// Create a new world with 600x400 cells with a cell size of 1x1 pixels.
super(900, 900, 1);
public void prepare()
Exit exit1 = new Exit("paars");
addObject(exit1, 885, 615);
Exit exit2 = new Exit("groen");
addObject(exit2, 885, 472);
Exit exit3 = new Exit("geel");
addObject(exit3, 885, 340);
Boat boat1 = new Boat(10,1,700);
addObject(boat1, 500,61);
Boat boat2 = new Boat(20,2,500);
addObject(boat2, 800,61);
Boat boat3 = new Boat(30,3,300);
addObject(boat3, 650,61);
The problem I'm having at the moment is that i wan't to specify 1 boat to 1 exit. To clear it more i wan't that boat 1 can only interact with the "geel" Exit (or exit1).
I already tried some code but i can't get it to work.
Tried code:
if (id == 1 && "geel".equals(exit.getColor()))
I think i can make it work with this if but for that i need to retrieve the objects from the World class or from the Boat class, I don't know how to do it? i tried
Actor boat = (Actor)getWorld().getObjects(Boat.class).get(0);
But that doesn't return the 3 different Boats (including their object(variable) names)
Anyone any suggestions?
p.s It is more code but i only showed the code which is necesarry for this problem
after The reactions i tried some but I'm stuck again`
public void ExitBoat(Exit exit, int size) {
this.exit = exit;
/* if(exit == exit1 && size == 10) {
public Boat(Exit uitgang, int newSize, int i, int t) {
exit = uitgang;
size = newSize;
id = i;
time = t;
now I'm stuck again i dont know how to call the method with the right parameters in my public void act.
You could add Exit as a field in the Boat class
private Exit exit;
add the exit to Boats constructor so you can create the Boat instances like this.
Boat boat1 = new Boat(exit1, 10,1,700);